Featured Blogs
Blog May 3, 2024
Unveiling Evidence to Inform Policies and Practices for Equitable Healthcare
Despite making significant strides in health services, Nepal continues to battle with disparities, particularly in terms of equitable health outcomes, indicating a significant gap toward achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) targets. Regardless of the efforts, the country faces challenges in ensuring equal access to quality ...
Blog April 30, 2024
Investing in Health, Investing in Nepal
Strengthening health insurance schemes is essential to reduce reliance on out-of-pocket spending and mitigate financial risks for individuals In light of the COVID-19 pandemic’s severe effects, governments throughout the world have raised health sector spending. However, going forward, public and assistance expenditure ...
Blog March 25, 2024
Tuberculosis in Nepal: Status, Achievement and Challenges
Today is World Tuberculosis Day. Tuberculosis (TB) remains a significant global public health concern, impacting millions of people annually. Worldwide, TB ranks as the second leading infectious killer, surpassing HIV and AIDS and following COVID-19. As the world observes World Tuberculosis (TB) Day on March 24, 2024, under the ...
Blog July 7, 2023
Bridging Borders: A Closer Look at Healthcare in Eastern Nepal and Sikkim State of India
As embedded researchers at the Health Division of Pokhara Metropolitan City (PMC) in Nepal, we had the opportunity to visit eastern Nepal and the Sikkim state of India in April of this year. This was the cross-learning visit organized by the metropolitan city as part of the implementation of the annual work plan and budget. We were ...
Blog June 19, 2023
Reflection on My Journey of Exploration in Nepal
I am a medical student at the University of Leeds, currently intercalating in International Health BSc. In May 2023, my fellow student, Alice, and I travelled to Nepal for our separate research projects. My interest in mental health services and barriers to access in Nepal stemmed from a comprehensive literature review. After ...
Blog July 26, 2021
Effect of existing burden of disease and out-of-pocket spending on universal health coverage
Achieving universal health coverage is far away for Nepal due to poor targets, ineffective implementation of health schemes and existing barriers to seek health services from health facilities. In one hand, there is high burden of ...
Blog July 25, 2021
The Rising Burden of Non-Communicable Diseases in Nepal: Problems and Prospects for Health System
Recently, on behalf of HERD International, I got an opportunity to participate in the Seventh Virtual National Summit of Health and Population Scientists in Nepal held on 1-2 July 2021. The theme of the summit was ‘Research in ...
Blog July 24, 2021
An Era of COVID-19 Research: A Therapeutic Perspective
COVID-19, declared as a pandemic, is a highly infectious disease that transmits through droplets released into the air when an infected person coughs or sneezes. As of 13 July 2021, over 188 million people globally and above 658 ...
Blog July 23, 2021
The effect of COVID-19 and federalization on Nepal’s health system
The Alma Ata (1978) Declaration enables all health care systems to provide people with set of well-designed promotional, preventive, therapeutic and rehabilitative programs. However, large scale health emergencies such as natural ...
Blog July 22, 2021
Health Policy and Implementation Gaps in Nepal
Nepal is in early stage of federalization where the country has been restructured under three tiers of government respectively federal government, seven provincial governments and 753 local governments. Power and responsibilities ...
Blog July 12, 2021
Double burdens on Nepalis: Diseases and out-of-pocket spending
Achieving Universal Health Coverage (UHC) is a far cry for Nepal due to poor targets, ineffective implementation of health schemes and existing barriers to seek health services from health facilities. On the one hand, there is a ...