Community-led Effective and Responsive Urban Health Systems (CHORUS) –a research consortium organized a webinar on research communication on 15 July 2021. The objective of the webinar was to share the ideas and experiences of consortium partners on communicating research for non-technical audiences. Mr. Shreeman Sharma, Research Uptake Manager, from HERD International shared HERD International’s experiences on Communicating through mass media where he explained the approaches to engage with media. Prince Agwu from the University of Nigeria presented Blogging techniques and Polly Spooner from the University of Leeds shared effective ways of handling social media for research communication. Irene Agyepong, CHORUS Consortium CEO chaired the event. The webinar also rolled out a research uptake plan through group discussions. The CHORUS is a research consortium that responds to the challenges in the urban health system and contributes to building resilience in urban health systems working with multiple sectors such as governments, NGOs, and private providers to ensure responsiveness and accountability to the urban poor.
October 22, 2021
May 30, 2024
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September 14, 2023