Training for field researchers on qualitative data collection was held from 4 to 10 January 2022 in Kapilvastu under Vertical Antenatal Intervention for Improved Diet and Iron intake (VALID) project. This training was aimed at improving the skills of field staff on qualitative data collection methods. The training provided skills to the field staff to deliver virtual counseling to the study participants. The training was provided to Data Assistants (DAs) and Nutrition assistants (NAs). 10 DAs (8 Female, 2 Male), ten NAs (10 Female), and two Research assistants (2 female) attended the training.

Given the context of COVID, the COVID test using Rapid COVID-19 Antigen test kit (Nasopharyngeal) for all the participants and facilitators was conducted before starting the training. The training was organized in coordination with Health Office and local level. The VALID project aims to assess whether providing an antenatal virtual counseling intervention to pregnant women increases their compliance with IFA supplementation (compliance defined as consumption of IFA on 80% or more of the days between baseline and end line), compared with women who have access to routine ANC only (control).

Nutrition Assistants practicing mock sessions for 2nd Virtual Counseling Session to improve the diet and iron intake of Pregnant Women.
