Education Qualification

Master of Public Administration (Public Policy analysis and Implementation), Tribhuvan University, 2020

Bachelor’s Degree in Public Health, Tribhuvan University, 2017

Nawaraj Adhikari

Project Coordinator

Mr. Nawaraj Adhikari, is a dedicated public health professional with demonstrated experience in the field of Health system, Non Communicable Diseases, Maternal and Child Health, Family Planning, Safe Abortion, post disaster risk reduction, Menstrual Hygiene Management and HIV/AIDS along with the acquired project management skills to support for strengthening the health system of both public and private sectors.

Currently serving as a Project Coordinator at HERD International in Kapilvastu, Mr. Adhikari is dedicated to building resilient health systems. His primary role involves assisting municipalities in making evidence-informed decisions for quality improvement and ensuring equitable health service delivery with major focus on improving the Maternal and Child Health status of the Suddhodhan RM and district. He have more than 6 years of experience playing dynamic roles in different I/NGOs.

In his previous role, he serves as a Director of Population Health at Karma Health, Senior Monitoring and Evaluation & Knowledge Management officer at USAID Momentum project, Data Capturer at AIDS Healthcare Foundation and District Program officer at Women Health Project Phase-IV at KIDS/PSI Nepal. He has extensive experiences in project planning, monitoring and evaluation and project management, maintain, Behaviour Change Communication (BCC) and support relationships and communications with board members, donors, non-profit partners, and other key stakeholders. He is proficient in statistical software i.e. MS Office, DHIS2, SPSS, ARC GIS, PowerBi and STATA as well.

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