Young People
Positive policies are in place in Nepal to help improve young people’s sexual health and family planning. The extent to which these policies are implemented (and evaluated) is not always clear from the literature. Available studies suggest, however, that despite the policy focus, young people (aged 10-24) do not generally feel that healthcare facilities provide for their sexual and reproductive health needs, and there is also enduring community and provider resistance to delivering comprehensive sexuality education and sexual health services to young people, particularly those unmarried.
While there are descriptive accounts of young people’s views on sexual health there is a lack of in depth studies looking at young people’s own experiences which could be used to inform programmes. We
need more information about the specificities of young people’s lives, covering different age groups and other segmentations (e.g. sex, location, socio-cultural factors) both to identify pocket areas with high
unmet need and to ensure programme strategies are targeted and tailored appropriately.