Pandemic Preparedness Toolkit Project
National Statistical Offices (NSOs) were generally under-utilised during the COVID-19
pandemic, being called upon to provide statistical advice or evidence quickly but not
embedded into response systems. The Pandemic Preparedness Toolkit (PPT) is a five-year project (2023 to 2028), funded by Wellcome, that aims fill this gap by strengthening infectious disease surveillance systems globally, through a shared online toolkit for quality statistics and leadership.
The PPT aims to unlock the potential of NSOs and harness their expertise to add value to these systems during future infectious disease outbreaks. This could be through infectious disease surveillance, supporting understanding of relevant societal and economic impacts, and in evaluating the effectiveness of government interventions.
The PPT is a collaborative project between the UK, Argentina, Malawi, and Nepal. In each of the partner countries, the UK Office for National Statistics (ONS) is working with the NSO and a Delivery Partner.