
Abstract Smallholder farmers are some of the poorest and most food insecure people on Earth. Their high nutritional and economic reliance on home-grown produce makes ...
In Nepal, access to health care including SRH services deteriorated during the COVID-19 lockdown. In Nepal, there are limited evidence on the availability and ...
Absract Evaluations of health interventions are increasingly concerned with measuring or accounting for ‘context’. How to do this is still subject to debate and ...
AbstractSerious games, conveying educational knowledge rather than merely entertainment, are a rapidly expanding research domain for cutting-edge educational technology. ...
Abstract The methods used in low- and middle-income countries’ (LMICs) household surveys have not changed in four decades; however, LMIC societies have changed ...
The CE4AMR Handbook has been developed through a knowledge exchange network called CE4AMR: The One Health Approach. This work was funded by the Global Challenges ...
COSTAR will co-create, implement, and robustly evaluate an innovative intervention that addresses the contextual drivers of AMR. We will do this through a One Health ...
ReBUILD for Resilience is a six-year Research Programme Consortium funded by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). In ReBUILD for ...
This study aimed to understand the response to COVID-19 in Nepal from January to August 2020 through review of mass media content and relevant policies published during ...
Since the outbreak of COVID-19, the challenges faced by Nepal’s health system have been exacerbated and further strain has been placed on an already fragile health ...