Health Management Information System (HMIS) is the main information platform implemented throughout Nepal in the public sector to record and report health service ...
The Micro-Poll project aims to describe the dietary intake and record the nutritional status of populations in rural villages of the Jumla district over a 12-month ...
NENAP was endorsed by the Government of Nepal in 2016 to address the problem of newborn deaths, and stillbirths in the country. It was endorsed as a part of the ...
Nepal has been implementing Mass Drug Administration (MDA) program since 2003. The program was initiated in all 75 districts in 2013 and later in 2017, it was ...
The Community Arts Against Antibiotic Resistance in Nepal (CARAN) used participatory art-based methods of co-production specifically participatory digital filmmaking ...
ReBUILD for Resilience is a six-year Research Programme Consortium funded by the UK government’s Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office (FCDO). In ReBUILD for ...
COSTAR will co-create, implement, and robustly evaluate an innovative intervention that addresses the contextual drivers of AMR. We will do this through a One Health ...
ReBUILD for Resilience (R4R) is a Research Programme Consortium with the vision to help build health systems that are resilient to shocks and stressors (able to absorb, ...
Family planning services play a crucial role in promoting maternal and child health and reducing poverty. However, access to quality family planning services remains a ...
Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is often not well understood among marginalized populations, but its prevalence is increasing, particularly in low-income countries. This ...