Resilient and Equitable Health Workforce to Address Climate Threats (REACT)
Introduction The climate crisis is a global health threat. Heatwaves, droughts, floods and landslides cause substantial morbidity and mortality either directly or indirectly ...
CHORUS-II: Urban Data Hub
Background The growing numbers of urban poor around the world face several health challenges including the double burden of diseases, exposure to environmental and human-made ...
CHORUS: Innovation Fund Projects on Urban Health
Innovation Fund is the scheme provisioned by CHORUS Research Project Consortium. The fund is targeted to early and mid-career researchers from across CHORUS partners to be used ...
Stock Out Survey -Study to identify facilitators and barriers in procurement and supply chain management and prescribing patterns of providers
Background In line with the constitution of Nepal (2007) which enshrined health as the basic right of citizens, the Government of Nepal (GoN), Ministry of Health (MoH) ...
Dalit Empowerment Project (DEP)-Integrated Package for Holistic Development of Dalit Community of Bhaluwa VDC in Sunsari District
Background HERD International undertook this study to assess the interventions of Karuna Foundation Nepal which focused on Education, Health, WASH, Social empowerment, and ...
INSPIRE2CARE PROGRAM – A comprehensive study of household, health facility and disability assessment
Background Good health and wellbeing is one of the key component for sustainable development. Due to concerted efforts from government and non-government organizations, ...
Surveys for Urban Equity (SUE): getting, and using, the data to respond to NCDs in urban areas
Introduction This is a multi-country and multi-method study that aims to test the feasibility, cost and appropriateness of three novel survey and visualisation methods (WorldPop ...
Quantitative Survey on Community Based Burn Injury
Background The WHO Violence and Injury Prevention Programme and the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves funded this pilot field test of the “Community-based Injury Survey with ...
Supportive Supervision for Mid level health workers in rural Nepal
Shifting tasks to mid-level health workers has been recommended as an effective strategy to provide care in rural and remote areas where it is difficult to recruit and retain ...