Implementation Research
Introduction The Participatory Engagement of City Communities Against Non-communicable Disease Risk in Bangladesh and Nepal (PECAN) Project is an implementation research ...
ReBUILD for Resistance on Climate Change
Introduction ReBUILD for Resilience is an international research consortium funded by the UK government, dedicated to strengthening resilience and building stronger systems for ...
ReBUILD for Resilience: Learning Site II
Introduction ReBUILD for Resilience (R4R), is an international research consortium funded by the UK government dedicated to strengthening resilience and building stronger health ...
CHORUS-II: Urban Data Hub
Background The growing numbers of urban poor around the world face several health challenges including the double burden of diseases, exposure to environmental and human-made ...
CHORUS: Innovation Fund Projects on Urban Health
Innovation Fund is the scheme provisioned by CHORUS Research Project Consortium. The fund is targeted to early and mid-career researchers from across CHORUS partners to be used ...
Forum for Advancing Better – Health Policy and System Research Institutions (FAB-HPSRIs)
FAB-HPSRIs is an international collaboration of Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions (HPSRIs) with a mission to foster a robust HPSR ecosystem in Asia through enhanced ...
CHORUS I: Strengthening Urban Health Systems
Background The growing numbers of urban poor around the world face several health challenges including the double burden of diseases, exposure to environmental and human-made ...
Building resilient local health systems
Introduction ReBUILD for Resilience is an international research consortium funded by the UK government, dedicated to strengthening resilience and building stronger systems for ...
Jeevan Shakti Mela: A public engagement process to raise awareness about type 2 diabetes in rural plains Nepal
Background Type 2 Diabetes mellitus (T2DM) is often not well understood among marginalized populations, but its prevalence is increasing, particularly in low-income countries. We ...