Persons with Disabilities have historically experienced poorer health outcomes due to lifelong social exclusion and marginalization. The Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) 2006 articulates that Persons with Disabilities should have the same range, quality and standard of health care as people without disabilities including sexual and reproductive health (SRH). However, evidence suggests the SRH rights of Persons with Disabilities have been denied. Despite being sexually active they may have less access to SRH information and services such as knowledge about reproductive anatomy, family planning, and sexually transmitted infections.
In Nepal, access to health care including SRH services deteriorated during the COVID-19 lockdown. Also, there is limited evidence on the availability and accessibility of SRH services by Persons with Disabilities. Furthermore, it is rarely discussed in the public domain. In this context, HERD International and Karuna Foundation organized a panel session on “Breaking Barriers: Ensuring Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Persons with Disabilities” to initiate a policy discourse among stakeholders.
Dr.Guna Nidhi Sharma, Ministry of Health and Population
Dr. Kiran Rupakheti, National Planning Commission
Sarita Lamichanne, Prayatna Nepal
Deepak Raj Sapkota, Karuna foundation Nepal
Dr Sushil Chandra Baral, HERD International
Snapshots of the event:

In the case you missed the event it can be watched via:
Facebook page of HERD International:
Facebook page of Karuna Foundation Nepal:
YouTube channel of HERD International